Scholarships for Post Merit Students / SC/ ST/ OBC/SBC/PH ETC.
1. Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship (Government of Punjab)
To apply for Post Matric Scholarship please visit the following
Visit :- https://scholarships.punjab.gov.in/
Punjab Scholarship – Complete List, Punjab Scholarship Portal, Eligibility
Punjab Scholarship opens a rich source of educational opportunities for students of Punjab who face financial hurdles to pursue their dream academic careers. Despite the several scholarships that are run by the Central Government, the state government also offers a number of scholarship opportunities for the residents of the state. However, the key objective for all the scholarships remains the same i.e. to encourage meritorious and deserving students to pursue their education without any financial constraint. A Punjab scholarship not only covers your education at school level but also renders help at the college or higher level.
This article provides you with detailed information about all the Punjab scholarships. It highlights the complete list of scholarships available for you along with their important information like application timeline, the application process, eligibility, rewards and more.
National Scholarship Portal (NSP) is a digital platform that carries scholarships offered by the central government, state governments and different government agencies like University Grants Commission (UGC). The NSP Portal is taken as a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).
The National Scholarship Portal covers all types of scholarships for Class 1 to PhD level students. The NSP Portal manages various services like verifying student applications, providing application receipts, processing the application, and sanctioning and disbursal of scholarship amount to the beneficiaries.
Introduced as the Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), the National Scholarship Portal emerges as one of the most prominent scholarship portals that offer a variety of services ranging from student scholarship application to the disbursal of scholarships to them. Offering a SMART (Simplified, Mission-oriented, Accountable, Responsive & Transparent) system for effective and faster disposal of scholarships, the portal ensures direct delivery of funds to the beneficiary’s account thereby avoiding any chances of leakage.
Requirements For Form Documents
Bank Passbook
Aadhar Card
bonafide student certificate from School/ Institute
Income Certificate
Fee Receipt of ‘Current Course Year’
Residential/ Domicile Certificate
Mobile Number
Collage Rasid ( Roll N. )